I so love every kind of hair accessories, even hats, and such. They keep my hair in check. Hair decoration is hot. And not to mention truly fun adding a little sparkle to your wardrobe with tiny jewelry will never hurt.
Here is a short list of popular hair accessories to help you look beautiful on your day:
Headbands : headbands are simple, yet elegant. Select a wide one for a retro look, or skinny ones for a modern, preppy look.
oversized headbands
Blair Waldorf's hairstyle: Queen of Headbands
Bobby Pins: bobby pins are so in fashion. Simple and fabulous at the same time. Your quick savior in your bad hair day. Make sure your keep some on your bag.
very cute bobby pins
beaded bobby pins
Veil - believe it or not, sometimes less is more, and a veil may be all you need. If you are opting out of hair accessories go elaborate with your veil - pearls, jewels and crystal accents will compliment your look.
Feathers - feathers are a hot trend right now, these are perfect for the trendy chick. These can be purchase and added to combs, clips, barrettes or even woven through hair.
Tiaras - these can range from classical princess styles to modern, asymmetric looks to retro inspired glam.
Fresh Flowers - once a trend, now a tradition - adding a sprig of your favorite flower to your hair can give you a romantic, soft touch.
Hair Vines - held in place by pins on each end, these are highly flexible and can conform to most any hairstyle. Many are encrusted with jewels, crystals or pearls.
Barrettes - these are not what you would think - a simple barrette can sweep back locks, hold bangs to the side or keep layers in place.
ups, this dog just too cute to be missed
Hair Jewelry - whether you decide to decorate your hair with shells (for a beach bride) or crystals (for an upscale look) hair jewelry is placed either around your style (such as a bun) or strategically placed throughout your style.