Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just a Lil Sneak Peek of Me

shoes, my perfect guilty pleasure

Can you guess who the birthday boy is?

We might came from different background, but hey, we get along very well. Luv you all

Hi thereeee, how are you? I just finished struggling for my final exam. Have i told you that i take the Master now? I don't know, but i just wanna study something new. Well, my undergraduate background was Politics. I took International Relation, but now i take Management as my Graduate major. At first, i only had a little faith for my choice, and the faith was getting tinnier when i met my classmates. They're totally brainy. Fortunately my lack of confidence happened only in the first week. I kept saying to myself that if i didn't make any move i would be left behind.

Seven subjects, three months and one brain only

How about simpler formula??

I had to join the Matriculation first. Matriculation means you're registered as an official student. It's the process of beginning study at a university, and fulfilling any prerequisites. Sooooo, night after night i forced myself to read all those thick economics book in order to make me at least familiar with economics vocabs. FYI, i had no economics background which just make things harder. And i had to learn how to use the calculator. It was quite funny for me because i just notice several very useful function of calculator. I didn't even imagine it before. Geeeez... Well, briefly, during the first month of my matriculation i found that i couldn't get enough sleep everyday. All i wanted just crawl into the bed and sleep like a baby.

Finally the matriculation is over. And i was surprised that my result wasn't bad as i predicted before. Yeah, now i believe that we have to try our best first, no matter what the result will be. And here i am, gladly to inform you that now i'm officially a graduate student. LOL. Well, my long journey is still waiting. And i've put some pictures about all my dearest mates in this battle field. They're so adorable and helpful. Enjoy and have a nice holiday :)

MBA students batch 56, Yaaaay....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nail Art, My Guilty Pleasure

Dear readers, my daily routines in office and college, school assignments and homeworks have diverted my mind a lot.. All of them are undoubtly such a time consuming activities in some particular stage. No wonder it quite necessary for me to hunt for nail saloon just to have my nails painted.

Why nail art? Well, it's kinda difficult to explain why i do love nail art. I just love watching a talented person paint and polish my nails. Especially after i see the result, wow, i will easily speechless just to see the transformation of my nails. Yeah, it may sounds so cheesy but that's the truth. How about the compliments i gain after? Nah, that's just another side effect of nail art which i adore ;)
In the last two months, i found a very good nail saloon in my hometown which satisfy my wildest fantasy of nail art designs instead. I took some pictures of the result just for you peeps.

Actually there's still many designs which i do wanna apply. But, i'm taking my master now, so i guess i better choose the safe designs. No worries, if there's any special occasion coming, i would be gladly to try those wonderful designs.

I started to treat my nails since 4 years ago. At that time, i was really like frech manicure nail designs. Well, i still fall for this style actually. We have to admit that french manicure is the most timeless style that you can apply anytime without having fingernails faux pas. For those who really into this style, no need to worries because now there are many variations of the French Manicure itself.

French Manicure, classy and elegant

see the variations of French Manicure

My adventure of nail art world began about one year ago. Yes, i'm still a newbie here. I notice that nail art has to be in fashion. If you like challenge yourself and do trials for new trends, this will be a very joyful chance for you. You will be able to play with color, discover new unique pattern and even put on some 3D effect onto our nails. Wow. We can say that nail art is the ultimate fashion when it comes to manicure.

The main obstacles of nail art are the shape and length of your fingernails. Some patterns might seen not too good in short nails. I have long (average) and squares nails naturally. I don't know is it just me, or some of you have the same thought, that the popular rounded nails just not fit in me *sigh*

And oh, i don't recommend nail art for those who still like bitting the nails. Yeah, the fancy investment that you did for your nails would be just worthless then. But hey, if you want to take the chance of tasting nail polish in order to stop your nail-bitting habit, why not? We all know the there's no invention of tasty nail polish. Lol..

So, are you ready to do some nails experiment? Just try and share with me about the result. I'll see you in a jiffy...... (hope so)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello my dearest readers, I do miss you all, but I was kinda busy recently so perhaps I'll post my new article next week. Please be patiet ok, luv u all..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Touch of Brooch

Hello peeps, please forgive me for my back-dated blog. I have a bad cough. I have been suffering for almost 3 weeks. Eeew, it's so disturbing. I went to doctor already trust me, but well, it didn't work. And now, i decide to let my body cure it itself. I just eat and sleep regularly. I just want this cough go away. I don't ask to much, do i??

Anyway, back to my back-dated blog. I want to share about Brooch in today post. Brooch? Why brooch? Well, the idea of putting the brooch in my blog actually already popped since early of this month, and again, i'll blame the cough for my lateness. Lol..

Brooch Fashion Week Fall 2009

Brooch is very classic. I remembered i had many brooches collections when i was little. My favourite one was the brooch with hat shape. It was so cute. I used to wear it to pin my handkerchief on my kindergarten uniform. He3x.. Did i just mention kindergarten? Oh yeah i just did. I know that you all now may imagine about me when i was little. One thing for sure, I was innocent and sweet. Like i am now. Lol..

Ok ok ok, i was diverted a bit. Let's back to the track. A brooch could cheer up your outfit. If you have many black or dark colored tops why don't you keep some brooches just for change your look? Well now, brooch has come in so many different designs, you could choose one to suit your mood and preference.

Jeweled Magnolia Brooch Flower

Yay, I love this brooch, so chic

As a Gossip Girl addict, i notice that there were many scenes using brooches for outfit addition. Well, never doubt the power that a brooch has. It can glam up your look instantly. Hmm, for formal occasions usually call for a simpler kind, maybe with a little bling on it. You can also put your brooch set at the waist of your gown. It'll add sparkle and also attention surely.

For going out on a Saturday night, why don't you use big, bold or fun shapes. Just have fun with your brooch collection. You can also wear broaches on the center of the collar of your favorite blouse. You can attach to a hat to add something special. Or as the most common way, you can wear it over the right or left side of the chest .

If you just have a little time to get dressed, maybe you wake up late or something, you could simply twist your hair and just pin a beautiful brooch onto a headband. That way, you have two pieces that you can use separately as well as together. So, what are you waiting now then? Go check your brooch collection and if you don't even have any, let's start to look out for pretty brooch out there. Happy hunting!!

Which one do you like? I heart the peacock..

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Okeeee, hello readers. Postingan kali ini gw mau berceloteh pake bahasa aja ah. Ahahaha, ngga papa dunkz, kn di blog gw ini kykna baru ad 2 postingan doank yang pakai bahasa -ngeles- Halah, sbelum gw makin lupa apa yang mau gw tulis mending gw cepet2 cerita dey.

Jadi kmaren minggu akhirna gw bisa ktemuan lagi sama sohib gw jaman kuliah dulu, Si Gabz. Si Gabz itu temen gw yang sama2 ngga beresnya dey kyk gw. Jangan ampe ketipu aj sama muka2 kite yang innocent ini *plaakk! Makanya gw niat bgt biar bisa ktemuan juga sama dese. Itu pun setelah melalui penantian yang ngga jelas tanpa tau juntrungannya kmana. Dari yang pertamanya bikin rencana buat ktemuan di Pacific Place, Semanggi sampai akhirna nyangkut juga di Grand Indonesia.

Gw sama si Gabz

Gw dari Minggu pagi udah bela2in nembus macet dari Tanah Abang sampai Kebon Kacang buat ktemu si Gabz cuma gara2 gw lupa klo Minggu itu ada car free day di Thamrin sono tuh. Bego bgt emang..

Akhirna gw ktemu juga sm si Gabz jam 12 lewat lah. Si Gabz ngebawa satu anteknya, Maretha. Gw udh kenal juga siy benerna, cm ngga gt deket aj. Ternyata sama2 glundang glundung ngga jelas jg. Haiiih, jodoh itu namanya..

Bgitu ktemu perut udh pada bergemuruh and protes minta makan. Ya sutra kita semangat 45 aj dunkz nyari ransum ganjelan perut. Hampir smua food stall kita liatin daftar menunya, emang ngga tau adat bgt. Pilihan akhirnya jatuh ke The Park, sejenis Korean food gt, bukan karena kita penyuka makanan korea lah yaw, tapi lebih karena pertimbangan dari porsinya yang tergolong porsi kingkong sama harga yg ngga terlalu menguras kantong.

Kelar makan kita sok2an keliling Grand Indonesia yang guedenya minta ampun. Semua toko kita masukin. Kecuali beberapa toko yang masuk black list kita cuz ngga layak bgt kita kunjungin, kyk Massimo Dutti gt lah *Cuiiih, banyak gaya lu pada cuuy... Akibat berkeliling ternyata berdampak kembali pada perut2 "mungil" tiga dara manis manja grup ini sodara2. Jadilah kita memutuskan lagi buat nyari cemilan. Cemilan kok bukan makan berat, sungguh hanya cemilan sahaja *jurus berkelit dari alasan kenaikan ekstrim berat badan. Ahaha..

So kita putusin buat cari makan di ........................ Plaza Indonesia.. Jreng jreng. Sungguh niat cari cemilan. Waktu masuk ksana sempet terbius pengen masuk ke Emporio Armani yang ada tulisan 90 % sale segede bagong di depan tuh outlet. Cuman pikiran sehat masih berkuasa. Jadilah gw kembali pada tujuan smula buat nyari cemilan dunkz..

Sampai di lantai lima, perdebatan sengit pun terjadi. Gw pngen makan Pancious, si Gabz pngen nyoba Pizza e Birra, si Retha pngen FatBurger. Kwang kwang, ngga kompak bgt. Ngga mungkin kan kita makan pisah2 gitu sambil kontak2an. Sok borju bgt atuuuh. So stelah lama mikir (pengennya siy sembari suit jepang, maen domikado atopun ber cap cip cup. Utung smua masi pada inget umur. Ehehehe) akhirna kita ngikutin pilihan si Gabz di Pizza e Birra. Buat gw ngga terlalu mantep siy pizza model gepeng2 begitu.. Tapi ya takpapa, kn gw udh order tiramisu pizza yang meskipun gepeng juga tapi ad tiramisunye..

Akhirnyaaaa, setiap ad pertemuan pasti ad perpisahan. Perpisahan trio maut ini terjadi di stengah 6 sore. Tenang sodara2, ngga pake acara bertangisan atopun jambak2an. Yang jelas gw seneng bgt bs ktemuan lagi si Gabz, sama si Retha juga loh *sbelon gw kena gaplok klo lupa nyebut dese, he3x... So ktemuan lagi yuuuks kapan2, anytime, anywhere. Asal jangan di kuburan aja, ntar dikira kumpulan dedemit. Ok then, See ya readers in the next post..

Gw, Gabz sama Retha

Pose ngga bgt gw hasil jepretan si Gabz. Muka gw sadis beneeer...

Trio Maut di Pizza eBirra

Gabz and Retha

Gw dan Gabz, gambar makanan sngaja gw edit biar kagak ktauan tingkat kerakusan kita2..

Gw sm Retha di Pizza e Birra. SMP alias Sedang Menunggu Pizza klo boleh dijudulin siy..

Gw dan si Gabz

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Transformation

Hello readers, how are you? Any plan for this weekend? Well, i'm going to meet my old friend from univ, but hey, that's not related with my post today, just a sweet greeting from me to you all. Lol.

Today i'm going to share about my transformation for the last 4 years. Well it's not like good girl gone bad or bad girl gone good, it's all about my looks. My hair exactly. My hair always grow fast. I noticed this since i was in grade 5. My hair only needed about 2 months to grow from shoulder to waist. No wonder my mother took me to the hair salon once a month to cut or just trim my hair. And below are some pictures of mine with many hair styles.

Me in pink. Pink was my favorite color at that time

Me in my little black dress

Me in pink again. Yup the same outfit with the first picture, if you notice

Me in a blue top. This top is really useful

Me in my comfortable orange shirt. I have an adorable necklace with the same color.

Yup, that was me. In very short hair. The hairdresser made a mistake. I thought we were miss communicate. I was kinda sad at the first time saw myself in the mirror.

My hair was getting longer in a timely fashion

My hair was already reach the waist. And i was kinda bored my straight long hair. Hey, i have that style since i was in senior high school. So i decided to curl my hair. Lol

I loved my new wavy hair. Not curly like i said before. But it's just so cute.

That was me. That picture was taken 3 months ago.

So, as you can trace from above, i have the wavy long hair now. And i miss my long straight hair. I can't believe i finally say it. Lol.. So what do you think? Which style is fits me most? The straight one or the wavy one? The long one or the short one, instead??

Just gimme some comments and i'll see ya all in the next post then. Happy weekend..

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