Yooo, what's up readers? Here i am, still in Lille, France, in the middle of freezing month. Currently , i am waiting for the snow now. Please do not simply blame me, i never see snow before. So, i am in the middle of dilemma now, between my curiosity in seeing snow and my ability to face the freezing temperature. Well, while waiting for the snow, i want to share something extremely cool that i experience in October.

So, in my university, SKEMA Business School, it has a lot of student clubs which provide the students many interesting activities, from the cooking club till the sport club thingy. I do not join in any of that clubs but if there was an event thrown by a club i mostly attend that event. One day, when i was opening my facebook, i saw the sport club posted in the exchange student group. They invited us, the exchange students, to join them to watch the Champion League live. The match was between Inter Milan and Lille Football Club which held in Lille. Wow, how would i resist that kind of opportunity? So, yeah, i just simply signed myself in.

The next thing i know that in the next day, i paid the ticket (which cost 50 Euro, that the cheapest one though) and wait for a week to see the match. Finally, that day came. I would not forget the date. 18 October 2010. We gathered first in the uni at 7 pm. There were like 20 of us, and there were only 3 girls including me. Since the stadium was quite far, we had to take the metro (subway). In our way to the stadium, there were a lot of football supporters inside the metro, started to sing the club anthem. I was so excited. Yeaaah, i was in the game mood at that time. The, after passed 6 metro stops, we got of at Pont de Bois metro station and walked for about 10 minutes, and here i was, in Stadium Lille Metropole, surrounded by thousand of Lille supporters. Aaaaargh, i couldn't stop smiling at that time.

After wait for about 15 minutes, we finally entered the stadium and waiting impatiently for the match begun. I got a seat behind the gate. Surprisingly, i sat next to my Indonesian buddy which i met during my flight from Jakarta to Paris. Wow, what a coincidence. We chatted, took tens of pictures and tadaaaaaaa, the two teams entered the stadium. Woooow, i never watch a football match live from the stadium and at that moment, i felt such that kind of feeling. It was beyond enthusiastic. Unexplainable :D

Well, i could not remember a lot about the game. But unfortunately, the host team, LOSC, lost 1-0 to the guest team. That was a bit sad. Since i watched the match with my local friends, i knew how frustrated they were during the match. There were some good opportunities wasted by the host team.

The match ended at 10.45pm, the Lille supporters were a bit dissatisfied, but at least their team only lost 1-0. Briefly, i was really happy that day. One of my dream to see Champion League live was finally come true. It was such a priceless experience that i will never regret. So, do you have any wonderful unforgettable moment? Go share with me!!!