Dear readers, Merry Christmas and Happy Nu Year 2010 for all of you. Hope in this new year all your dreams could come true, yay, always be optimist, fellas. Today post is going to be a little bit breaking the habit, cuz it'll be about my holiday. Yippie. So, how was your holiday, where did you go? Well, i spent my nu year holiday in my hometown anyway. It was fun, although maybe little bit too short for me, lol. Geez, i guess i'm desperately need holiday than i ever thought. Well, i have several photos of my holiday, ahaha narcism mode on, just enjoy then..

me and my best friend, Marlyne. We were waiting for our food, and why not taking pictures while waiting? Lol...

And finally the food came! Mix omelet and spicy chicken broccoli. Yummy

it was me and the "Santa Claus". The Santa looked almost real, right?

just another photo session
Well, what do you think then? Since i already decide to put Blair Waldorf as my role model, i used headband in those photos, and i found it cute anyhow. Ok then, see ya later, have a gud day for you always..

narsis abis hehehe~
@ didut : ga papa dunkz :)
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