Hey all, what's you've been up to?
I've been extremely busy recently, but this 2011 so far is excellent for me. I got many priceless gifts that i never thought before. So, in order to payback my hibernate time, i'll explain you in details. It can't be any better, can it? Lol...
It was start with my graduate program. I felt confuse in choosing within the international class or the bilingual class. Mostly my friends chose the bilingual class. Well, actually the difference among those two classes remain only in the way the lesson deliver and the students. In the int'l class, everything is in english, like the books, the presentation, and even the thesis. Nah, the last reason was my biggest consideration in choosing int'l class. But in int'l class you can have int'l friends will allow you to experience the int'l ambiance in the class. And guess, finally i decided to choose the int'l class. My decision was made in the last minute, literally. But so far i do enjoy my choice. My lecturers and my friends are wonderful. I have new friends from Europe, mostly from Netherland and France. I will attach their pics later, no worries :D
Last February, Marlyne, a good friend of mine visited me from Singapore. I was so happy to see her again. We've been friends since senior high school, but now she works in Singapore, so it's kinda difficult to meet her. No wonder when the oppurtunity finally came, it felt like a reunion, because i didn't meet only with Marlyne, but also with Santi and Puspita. We went to Sangam House, a unique Indian restaurant, and discussed many things. We did have a good time there.

Several weeks after, i remembered that i had a voucher given by Marlyne. It was a voucher to shop in Body & Soul. Well, two days before the due date, i went to Body & Soul store and started hunting. Time went by, but still i couldn't find any good outfit *sigh... I was thinking to come back later when finally i saw it, an elegant black dress. I was so thrilled and even couldn't believe it with my very own eyes. So i grabbed it to the fitting room and voila, i bet you know the feel when you see your reflection in the mirror wearing a perfect dress :) I took several pictures in the fitting room, so you perhaps can see the price tag was still there, hehehehehe... Anyway, i also bought hotpants, but i didn't take the picture, i guess the dress pictures already enough :D

Last but not least, in September i will do an exchange program to France. Enfin!! I will be there for 4 months. I chose to do the exchange to SKEMA Business School in Lille. Not only because of the well reputation of SKEMA itself, but also due to my french friends suggestion. Lol. It will be a very priceless experience. I've been dreaming to go to France since i was in the undergraduate. I didn't know why, but France always has some kind of magical spell to me.

je vais aller la, au France. Yaaaaay

Hmmmm, i feel really grateful with all these gifts. Sometimes, good thing will come to you with its special way. I've witnessed it myself. So, i'll see you again later, although i don't know when, since i have tons of works to do. Wish me luck then, and happy weekend all
Nulis 3x dech..(Td gagal ngepostinny,gila sd 3x..)
Wah,mw koment pa y?
Tulisanmu in English bagus jg..
Your fashion is good.. Pinter milih..
Cm satu yang bikin geleng2..
Foto dfitting room?! Haaaah...
Hahahaha.. Gdpt bajuny yg penting udh dpt foto m bajuny y??!! Hahaha..
Kl kPrancis jgn lupa oleh2ny y.. :
Yaelaaah Dit, sorry ya bajunya kubeli kok itu jadinyaaa. Hehehhhee
Ayo ikut ke Perancis jg yuuuk
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